Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Our Son the Doctor: PhD in Physics, April 26, 2015

When I figure out how to flip my favorite cap and three-striped PhD gown photo right-side up instead of sideways, I'll post it somewhere.  In the meantime, I don't want to wait any longer to publish this good news.  The proud parents claim bragging rights.

Now, after all those years of research, comes the other hard part:  job-hunting.  Any leads for a position in software engineering, research and development, technical writing, or other jobs appropriate for a Physics Ph.D. would be appreciated.



Blogger David Staum said...

Congratulations! You must be so proud.

Wed Apr 29, 11:05:00 PM 2015  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Thanks, David. We're proud indeed.

Wed Apr 29, 11:09:00 PM 2015  
Blogger The Physicist said...

R&D, technical writing, or other jobs appropriate for a Physics Ph.D. also gratefully considered, if you have them.

Wed Apr 29, 11:15:00 PM 2015  

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